Whigged Posters

In a time of #TheResistance, shouldn't we expect the Democratic politicians to vote less with Trump? This original #Whigged was made on October 26th. The voting info changes with every vote and can be found on FiveThirtyEight here: Tracking Congress In the Time of Trump - FiveThirtyEight

For more on there representatives click on their names below to go to their respective pages:


HR.3441 (link takes you to a prepared PDF from Democrats-EDWorkforforce.House.gov), known as the "Save Local Business Act", actually hurts workers by stripping them of their rights to sue for wage theft and unfair labor practices under the guise of "joint employer". This would affect temp and subcontracted workers the most.
Peters, Murphy, Peterson, Cuellar,
Costa, Schrader, Correa, Bera 

Cuellar was one of 3 Democratic Congressmen (Lipinski & Peterson are the other two) that voted with the Republicans on HR36 which limits abortions to 20 weeks based on faulty scientific data. Here is a news story from when HR36 passed: Metro: Abortion Ban: Can Fetuses Feel Pain
These 4 fine Democratic Senators (Manchin, McCaskill, Peters, Tester) voted to confirm Ajit Pai as Head of the FCC...the same guy who has is trying to get rid of Net Neutrality for good so large media corporations can dictate what we see and charge us even more to get on the certain sites on the internet.
Here are the 6 Democrat Senators (Donnelly, Heitkamp, Jones, McCaskill, Nelson, Manchin) and Independent (King) who voted "Yea" to help confirm Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State.

Here are all the Dem Senators and one Indie who still don't support #MedicareForAll
Row 1:Carper, Manchin, Coons, McCaskill, Kaine, Warner, Peters, Feinstien
Row2: Reed, Mendez, Heitkamp, Bennet, Hassan, Stabenow, Durbin, Tester 
Row3: Nelson, Murphy, Wyden, Klobuchar, King, Cantwell, Duckworth, Murray
Row4: Schumer, Cardin, Van Hollen, Casey, Cortez-Masto, Donnelly, Brown
(Not pictured Jones) 

 Andrew Wheeler is a climate change denier and now is second in command of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) thanks to a whole crap load of Republicans and these 3 Democrats (Donnelly, Heitkamp, Manchin)

 Once Pompeo was Secretary of State, Trump chose Gina Haspel to take his place as Director of the CIA....only problem is, Ms. Haspel had been involved in an illegal CIA black site in Thailand in which torture was allowed. These 6 Dem Senators helped get her the appointment. (Donnelly, Heitkamp, Manchin, Nelson, Shaheen, Warner)

In a bi-partisan effort to get the power to declare war out of the hands of the president and back to Congress where it belongs, the Yemen War Resolution was created to start addressing the issue and force the US to not be involved in the Yemen War, directly or indirectly. These are the 10 Dems that voted to table the bill.
(Coons, Cortez-Masto, Donnelly, Heitkamp, Jones, Manchin, Menedez, Nelson, Reed, Whitehouse)
These 7 Dem Representatives (Cooper, Costa, Cuellar, Gottheimer, Kind, Peterson, Sinema)  voted "Yea" on April 12, 2018 for HJ Res 2, which essentially allows the


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